Is There a Lack of Harmony in Your Family?
Very often, our family is not working in harmony with each other and with us, and the frustration it causes just adds to our stress.
Life seems to be an endless stream of disruptions and people not wanting to co-operate with us or one another.
If something in your family is not working the way you would like, take a step back and look at what you are doing. Or not doing. Or did in the past.
Ask for advice, and act on it.
Ask a friend or mentor to help you understand where things are not going to plan and take good advice. Don’t ask for help and then refuse to act on it.
Acknowledge your own failures before blaming others if there is a lack of harmony in your family.
It’s so easy to want to shift the blame for family disharmony to others, rather than facing ourselves in the mirror and acknowledging we are probably a large part of the cause. Â Even if we have to ask someone else to show us how, and why.
Children love praise, empathy, and being noticed for the good things.Â
Be driven to show love, compassion and empathy. Praise your children often. Don’t wait for them to do something earth shattering. Children crave praise for the little things they do, too. You cannot spoil a child with honest praise that is well-deserved.
Practice good karma and teach it to your children. It pays off in spades for you and for them. One of my favourite books is by Susan Mitchell, and I still reread it, regularly.
Be Bold! and Discover the Power of Praise – Susan Mitchell
Hug them, often.
Hug them every day. Hugs are the great healers of the Universe.
A hug says wonderful things about you. Opening your arms, to clasp them to your chest, while you hold them firmly to you, means your child will have a wonderful sense of bonding with you.
Nothing reduces anxiety and distress quicker than a hug. A hug stops the tears, even the real ones. Snoopy has made a lifetime career out of giving hugs.
Teach them to be responsible, while you love them with an open heart.
Teach them to ask themselves “Is it really my fault?” rather than being quick to blame others. They will prosper if they learn early to accept responsibility for their own actions.
Above all: love them with an open heart.
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