Our events are full of hands-on interaction for the kids, with heaps of both soft and hard toys – along with story telling and some games. Lesley is a proven storyteller, and will keep your children entertained while you and your friends take a break, and have a chat.
Nana’s Zoo events are suitable for children from age 4, up to ages 7 and 8. There is an abundance of cuddly toys for smaller ones, and fantastic models to bring the storytelling to life. We have everything from Great White Sharks, and Penguins, to Dragons, or a full herd of Horses. Dinosaurs abound – so there are different themes for different events.
- Registration is essential, for catering purposes.
- The number of children being entertained will vary from time to time, depending on the venue.
- Depending on the venue, an attendance fee may be payable
- It is always Buy Your Own Coffee and Cake.
Register here – and watch out for the email that comes, to confirm your registration.
What happens next:
1. Confirm your registration, using the link in the email you will receive, in a few minutes. If you don’t see it, check your junk mail. It happens, sometimes.
2. When you have confirmed your registration, you will be taken to our THANK YOU page, so that you know everything is in order. Then you have the option of clicking a button, to go back to Facebook.
Privacy and Security.
Please note your name and email address is never shared with any third parties, including the venue. Your privacy is of the utmost importance to us.
Remember you can unsubscribe at any time. This is our privacy policy.