In the aftermath of the Roe8 debacle, the topics of weeding, replanting and revegetation of the cleared bushland to restore its natural flora created vigorous discussion.
This is an article I had previously written about regeneration of our local WA bush, and I have added some links for more information. It’s important to revisit the experience of those actively involved in the past, to tap into their practical knowledge.
In particular, dealing with “dieback” in the area cleared in preparation for Roe8, and up to date information on how devastating it is, means the revegetation process is crucial. It requires proper supervision, understanding and care, and “dieback” is already a major concern if access to the cleared area is not secured. (Footnote 4)
Revegetation: Pull It or Plant It?
In 1971, the sisters Joan and Eileen Bradley put forward the idea that controlled weeding without replanting is the best way to regenerate natural bushland, because it gives the existing seed bank a better opportunity to germinate with less competition.
In her book “Bring Back the Bush,” Joan says “native seeds and spores are already in the ground [Read more…] about Revegetation: Weeding, Replanting, and Restoring Our Bushland