Part of the fun of being in a new city is finding out how to get around the place, so that you see what you want; get to go to the right places and can find your way home at the end of the day. Especially in a place as big as New York.
When I was here a couple of weeks ago with my daughter-in-law, Pauline, we stayed at the Hotel next to Ground Zero at the World Trade Centre and ventured up to 42nd Street by subway, took a sightseeing tour in a red bus, flew up the harbour in a helicopter and took yellow cabs and shuttle buses. So, now I am in NYC on my own, I feel much more comfortable than I would have done, had I come here the first time on my own.
Next, let me say, my navigational skills are legendary – NOT! This is some #nanaswalkabout.
Synopsis of my day in New York:
- Slept until 11:00 after working until 5:30am, on social media (Aussie hours prevail)
- Discovered the bathrooms at the Jane Hotel are not only shared, but uni-sex (it’s OK – he was wearing a robe)
- Showered, dressed and set out for the day.
- Came back to get my raincoat, started again. (It was about 2:00pm by then)
- Went looking for the Subway entrance at 8th and 14th – only to later discover that the previous day I had been right there – and didn’t recognise the entrance to the subway. Surprise: all those flashing SUBWAY signs are not for fast food.
- Wandered
throughpast the fashion showrooms of Stella McCartney, Alexander McQueen, Diane von Fustenberg, Hugo Boss and others which are just around the corner from the Jane Hotel. Amazing to see these fashion icons displaying their beautiful designs made from the most incredible fabrics in showrooms that sit amongst almost derelict buildings. - Photographed the lovely Washington Park, noted the names of streets like Washington, Horatio and Hudson and hoped they would help me find my way home.
- Spent a couple of hours wandering around the Chelsea Markets on 9th, which had a unique exhibition of photographs of jazz and rock stars displayed on the walls, at the time.
- 6:00pm – missed “happy hour” by a minute or two
- Had the most delicious, delicate dinner and wine at The Green Table. Soft shelled crab – you eat it, shell and all. Crumbed, deep fried and very lovely. Followed by a lemon trifle that was very good indeed. Service was excellent. Forgot to photograph the crab before I started to eat it. Sorry.
- Wandered into Anthropologie and wandered out with a simple new dress and a necklace with which to dress it up. Somewhat frustrating place to shop, though, The staff were great but the displays are very random and it’s very hit and miss to find what you want.
- Walked back to my Hotel with no misdirections and dropped off the shopping
- Set off for the the subway at 8th and 14th, to go and have another look at Times Square
- Bought a round fare ticket, jumped on the C train for DOWNTOWN and off I went. (yes, I hear you groan)
- Listening and watching the stations, I recognised Spring Street, Canal Street, WTC – from my earlier trip with Pauline. I was headed for Brooklyn. Got off at High Street and waited for the next train that was going UPTOWN. The train I had been on terminated dozens of miles away at the back end of Brooklyn – so, I figured I had better come back.
- Jumped off the A train at the corner of 42nd and 8th and wandered around Times Square. It was about 9:00pm by then and much quieter than the Saturday night when I met Jane Fonda in Times Square after seeing Robin Williams in his play “Bengal Tiger in a Baghdad Zoo”.
- Found a tourist shop and tried to buy a lovely TShirt with the subway map printed on it – thought it would be a fun buy. Not in my size. :0(
- Next door – yes, TShirt in my size and I also wanted to buy two Cows On Parade, one for Lisa and one for me. I saw the Cows On Parade at Margaret River (West Aust) last year and wanted to add to my collection. Shop assistant (man) was very rude when I asked for the boxes, went off to “get them” and twenty minutes later I walked out of the shop: cross, unserved, sans TShirt and cows. He just never came back!
- Back to 8th and 42nd and needed a restroom. Locked. “Welcome to New York” said a friendly staff member when I pointed out that they were not supposed to be locked before midnight and it was not quite eleven pm. He directed me back to Times Square Station – off I went, found the restroom and then walked back to 42nd and 8th. That was a mile return trip, I am sure!
- Should I take a taxi home? No! I can do this!
- Jumped on the subway and came back to 14th; started off home, as I thought. Headed in the opposite direction, it turned out. “Jane Street and the River? That way – about five blocks down”. Thanks.
- Found Horatio Street – started out for Washington – wrong way again. A very nice local walked part of the way with me – to the corner of Jane St – and recommended a local Burger Bistro as being very good. It was also good for a Stella – which I seriously needed by then. It had stopped raining and I was really feeling the heat in my big, polar coat.
Down Jane Street (about three blocks) and into the Hotel. Stopped at the restaurant for a coffee and a Baileys and went upstairs to fall into bed just after 12:30am. Over eight hours out and about and really enjoyed it.
That was yesterday. Today, I am off to see dinosaurs, get my AMTRAK ticket for tomorrow from Penn Station (yes, I know where it is) pack and go to a meetup tonight. I will add some pics to this blog post when I am on the train tomorrow. Oh, must remember to book a Hotel in Miami, too.
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As a native New Yorker – this was wonderful seeing the City through a visitors eyes. I will be there next week on business and can’t wait. Safe travels to Miami.
Thanks, Sharon. There is still so much to see and do in New York and I will run out of time. But, I am already thinking about when I can get back.
Sounds perfect to me! Sounds like you had an excellent time!
Yes, I did! It was great fun and I enjoyed it even more this time. I’ll be back, next year, too.