Our childhood stories are the one that stay with us, all our lives. We remember them all: the stories, the songs and the poems. The stories we read as children. We especially remember the ones we read when we were 6 or 7 and then getting into our Pre-Teens.
As adults, we remember those favourite stories we heard and we read in our early years and we like to share them with our children.
They helped form our view of how the world is; how the world should or might be and where we fit into it. Â It’s the same for your children, too. Sitting and reading a story with your child is a wonderful gift.
Stories My Nana Tells has been created by Lesley Dewar to help parents and children embark on an amazing adventure together all the while strengthening family bonds and igniting your child’s imagination and love of reading.
Finding good reading material for your child can be difficult. Looking for engaging stories, of the right length and in a format that allows flexibility for busy lifestyles is a challenge for many parents and grandparents.
When writing Stories My Nana Tells, she says one thing is paramount. ” The stories must be memorable. Every story has a moment that will have your child say ‘wow, I didn’t know that!’ ” she said.  “That’s why we write them. So you can share another “wow” moment with your child when they say “I didn’t know that!””
Watching, listening and researching unique and unusual things means these stories will intrigue and surprise you and your children.
Who Loves Stories My Nana Tells?
Stories My Nana Tells is a brand new service for kids who want to read, who already love to read, and for their parents and grandparents who want to share stories with their kids.
The premium story books are written for young readers, 11-13 years old, and young adults, too, and come with 12 – 20 questions to help your child develop their comprehension skills.
We also have wonderful personalised stories, which take the children on their own journey of discovery, and each story includes the child’s own photo (if the parent is happy to provide it); has their own name all the way through the text, and some personal information about the child’s special interests to make it truly theirs.
The books are gifted by parents and teachers;  grandparents, aunts and uncles.  Grandparents, especially, need great stuff for children online, to share for birthdays and holidays. Stories My Nana Tells is a great gift to share throughout the year with children aged 6 – 12 yrs old – or even younger.
Stories My Nana Tells is a great family site – with high quality stories and a Facebook page where adults and older siblings can share ideas, connect and discussion different stories.
About Lesley Dewar
Lesley Dewar will be adopted as your family’s honorary Nana.  Her engaging and inspiring stories will be loved by your children and truly become Stories My Nana Tells.
She says of herself: “I’ve recently changed from a very successful career in writing, sales, real estate and financial services spanning over 40 years, Â to write stories for young children. I am an Australian grandmother, an avid surfer of the net, a published writer and as the author of Stories My Nana Tells, I am constantly travelling, browsing, researching and uncovering the unusual.”
Bungy Jump – Queenstown NZ
She definitely encourages children to be adventurous, inquisitive and active.
Lesley Dewar has been described as having “the ears of a bat and the eyes of a hawk” – being able to focus on small events that can be brought to life through her passion for storytelling; a skilled researcher who knows how to uncover the unusual and verify the truth.
Bungy jumping in New Zealand; Helicopter flights across icy mountains and rocky deserts; White water rafting in Bali and Swimming with dolphins in Hawaii – has she done all these things? Sailing on an old Dutch Tall Sailing Ship? Yes, she has and she does encourage children to be adventurous and enjoy life! As a Nana, she writes on a wide range of topics – stories to be enjoyed as both entertainment and education. She loves adventure – as part of her research, to make sure her stories are true to life.
Children Who Read Well Are More Confident
Do you want to increase your child’s confidence through reading?
Stories My Nana Tells does just that!
Each premium story is between 5,000 and 8,000 words, thoroughly researched and finished off with between 12 and 20 questions to encourage young readers to interact with the story. They have wonderful photographs and illustrations to make them even more interesting – and we guarantee they will spark the curiosity of your children and grandchildren in nature, the environment and the world around them.
Stories My Nana Tells is an Family site, which will dispatch a new story you buy by post or by email.  This is perfect for parents at home and those who are away a lot!  It is also great for parents who are homeschooling.  Join our mailing list and we will let you know when there is a new story for you to check out.
Here’s a look at the next story topics coming up in the next few weeks, of 2017:
Star Light, Star BrightÂ
When we look at the night sky, we wonder: is anyone out there? This is a fascinating story about past and present explorers seeking answers in the stars. Â It covers satellites and sailors hammocks; maps and monsters of the deep; and the navigational mysteries of our planet.
Some other stories to intrigue and fascinate your children:
The Fig Tree
Do you know how old or where the oldest fig tree is, in the world? Why did California’s fig industry almost come to ruin because they didn’t understand how to get them into fruit? Learn the mysteries of the delicious fig.
A bit more about Lesley Dewar, the Author of Stories My Nana Tells
Children with Giant Olive Python
She has been a published writer since 2003 and has an excellent reputation on  Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn as a  networker and communicator.
In addition to the new, premium stories, and personalised stories for individual children, she regularly writes short stories that are posted to the website as Snippets – to keep things interesting and fresh in-between times.
She has appeared on Australian TV; been interviewed by the international press and radio and is an excellent public speaker.
Just LOOK At What All These People Say About Lesley Dewar and Stories My Nana
“I think it`s beyond wonderful that you`ve chosen to share your imagination, with the world`s children. Really special work!” @Manly_Mel (via Twitter)
“Stories my nana tells; a very talented lady indeed.” @PhilRichards (via Twitter)
”The Fig Tree was really well written. Vivid imagery” @PreppedPolished (via Twitter) Alexis Avila
It’s a really hilarious “investigative” story, and I’m thrilled to be mentioned along with the authors of a number of very prominent Velcro (TM) applications! With many thanks for your message & story,Lev Neymotin- Physicist, New York (via email)
PS: Internet makes our continents so close, as if they never split…
Who Loves Buying from Stories My Nana Tells?
Our customers are parents, teachers, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Stories My Nana Tells is a great gift to share throughout the year with children aged 6 – 13 yrs old – or even younger. You might like to have the stories to read to your children, yourself. Or have an older brother or sister read them as part of a family activity. It will be easy to chat together about the story.
If your children are aged 6 – 13 yo, these are the right kind of stories for them, with the personalised stories for younger ones and the premium books for the 10+. They can share the free stories, too, on the Website.
What Are You Waiting For?Start Your Children Reading New Stories Today!Â
You can choose from a range of premium stories, order a personalised story just for your own child, or buy a GIFT VOUCHER and let the child choose their own story.