GDPR deadline is looming and we are ready for it.
With the onset of the EU’s new rules on General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) on May 25, 2018, online businesses, and local businesses with a website, have a lot to think about and potentially a lot of work to do, to be legally compliant to continue servicing their online customers.
Particularly using email and most certainly if they are using Google Analytics or Facebook Pixels.
Lesley Dewar has been through this kind of online change before.
Having survived the Y2K trauma, this will not be too bad for us. Especially since Stories My Nana Tells currently only writes stories for customers inside Australia, and Nana’s Zoo is definitely very local to where we are physically based.
We manage this by having PayPal set up to only accept payment from Australians. Initially, the primary reason was the cost of postage to countries outside Australia, and secondly, that Australia is a great market for me.
So, we are already alerting our customers through our Facebook pages to expect some correspondence on this. We are checking everything we can, to safeguard their data and privacy. Emails have been sent to all our email lists.
As a local business in Australia, does this matter?
For the immediate time, we are happy to be an Australian based business servicing families who live here, too. So, some of the new regulations do not yet apply. Some, may do.
We are aware that regulations like these end up being more universally adopted and are likely to come to Australia. We intend to be ahead of the game, when they do.
You can read our updated Privacy Policy in the link in the footer to this page, and on this page Updated Privacy Policy
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