Six weeks in a leaky boat was a very popular song by Crowded House Split Enz and with six weeks in the US and Canada ahead of me, it’s very important to be sure that my boat has no leaks. My travel boat that is. Anzac Day got off to a great start. My flight out of Perth to Brisbane was leaving at 11:10pm, not 11:55 as I thought and the last hour of my packing was hectic, to say the least.
My idea of packing my clothes in groups in medium sized plastic bags with their own zip locks worked extremely well, particularly when you can squeeze down on them forcing out the air. The suitcase was a dream to pack and I ticked off the list as I went, so nothing was missed. I doubt that I have enough clothes for six weeks and I can see some laundromat work coming up along the way.
I decided not to take the iPhone at all, because I couldn’t trust myself to not use it and run up a huge bill. Which means I have to buy a watch! I haven’t worn a watch for years and rely on my phone for alarms, too. So many of my photos are taken with my iPhone too – so I am missing her already and I am still in Sydney.
Yes, Sydney. When I arrived at the Perth Domestic Airport for the flight to Brisbane, it turned out that I am booked right through to LAX; should have been there two hours at least before flight time; the flight was closed and Qantas had to reroute me to Sydney to pick up a flight to Los Angeles. I had a window of about 10 minutes to get that – so, I am not complaining about being in Sydney and I will arrive in Los Angeles about the same time – 7:00am on April 26. Flying east and crossing the international date line means that I leave Sydney at 9:30am on April 26 and arrive in LA at 7:00am on April 26.
The good news is that my luggage was booked right through to LA, so I didn’t have to collect it in Sydney. I am taking ten lovely fine bone china mugs decorated with Australian birds or flowers to the US and Canada as gifts for some of my friends. They fitted snugly into a padded chiller bag when wrapped up in a big towel and the ends stuffed with a couple of tea towels, so I hope that they arrive safely and undamaged.
My luggage is all matched – red crocodile skin (fake). Going through screening, the bag with my cosmetics was shunted off to one side, because they wanted to check the aerosols. Hairspray and deodorant. The airport guy was teasing me, walking up and down ignoring my matching computer bag and handbag, saying “does anyone know whose bag this is?” It’s a bit unusual to find anyone with a sense of humour in the screening or immigration area and I suspect it might not be so light hearted when I get to being patted down in the US.
So far, no leaks. The first one was well plugged by some very excellent service by Qantas. Let’s hope we don’t spring any along the way. There the boarding call, so Los Angeles – here we come!
The song was six months in a leaky boat by split enz – hope your ordeal isn’t THAT long
Thanks, Renee. I forgot that the Finn Boys morphed into Crowded House from Split Enz. I love their stuff – have seen them a couple of times. I am missing Tim Finn in Perth tonight, I believe, at the new Red Hill venue.
I don’t think I will be away for six months. lol