A short story – told in tweets:
I am researching what yabbies eat. Have bait, torch and sitting by the bottom dam waiting for night to fall.
From what I have read today, I am not so worried about any yabbies down here that haven’t died yet. 😀
There is at least one fish left in the dam. It’s making rings on the water. I hear little sucking noises in the mud. Yabbies?
The water is so shallow, the cat food bowl shows half of itself above the surface, when on its side. It’s secured.
Last night, in the rain, there was a chorus of happy singing voices down here. Tonight – it is silent. #yabbies
There is not a breath of wind, not the slightest breeze to stir the surface of the water. Crickets chirp and cicadas tap their frenetic song [Read more…] about Looking for Yabbies